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Exponentially Increase Your Horse's 
Health & Wellness with the


Exponentially Increase Your Horse's Health & Wellness with the


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Discover how to Fulfill Your Horse's Daily, Foundational Needs so she CAN be the Partner you are Dreaming of...

The Natural Horse Habitat™ is a system for the Heart Centered Horse Owner who is excited to create a Natural Life Style for her horse. The result is a happy, healthy horse and a flourishing, safe partnership between you and your horse!

Get Started NOW
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No Guess Work,
No Learning-From-Your-Mistakes,
No "I wish I had known..."!

With my Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass
you will learn how to successfully

  • Assess your horse's mental, emotional and physical state
  • Discover the root issues of Common Horse Problems
  • Optimize your Horse's Wellness and Health
  • Find Solutions to set the Foundation for Genuine Interconnection between you and your horse
  • Implement the Natural Horse Habitat Principles in your Horse's Daily Life
  • Create a Natural Horse Habitat™ from Scratch with the 5 Main Ingredients: Trail System, Play Pastures, Habitat Shelter, Natural Feeding and even Manure Management


  • Love your horse and only want the best for her
  • Struggle with commonly accepted methods of horse keeping
  • Encounter so called horse problems, from simply annoying to outrageously dangerous
  • Yearning for more InterConnection with your horse
  • Seek a horse-friendly, pocket-friendly and environmentally-friendly solution to natural horse keeping

IMAGINE if you could...

  • Enroll in a program that gives you the tools & support to easily create a horse-friendly, pocket-friendly and environmentally-friendly facility with minimum effort
  • Wake up knowing that your horse’s foundational, daily needs are met and that your horse will eagerly greet you at the gate upon your arrival
  • Feel safe and confident with your calm, relaxed horse while enjoying your shared activities together
  • Happily proclaim to your friends and family that horse problems are a sign of the past!


  • You can create a happier and healthier life for your horse
  • You can optimize your horse's health and wellness
  • You can eliminate behavior problems that stem from unfilled Daily Needs
  • You can set the the foundation for Mental, Emotional and Physical Balance for your horse
  • and InterConnection with YOU
  • YES, YOU CAN elevate your Horse-Human-PartnerShip by fulfilling your horse's Foundational Daily Needs!

Julee and Rosie's Story

After learning about the Natural Horse Habitat System, I re-evaluated our boarding situation. I used elements of NHH in the space that we had and immediately noticed a positive shift in Rosie’s overall physical health and well-being. With Rosie living her life with enhanced healthy physiology, we have been able to genuinely connect on a level I have never experienced before. This year we will be moving from our present boarding situation to our own property. We plan to implement as much of the Natural Horse Habitat™ System as we can!

Julee and Rosie Jones

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  • Dealing with so called horse problems - such as being pushy, stubborn, spooky, grabbing for grass, going slower or faster than you want to and annoying and even dangerous behaviors such as nipping, biting, even bucking, rearing, kicking, shying, dull to aids, running off and more
  • Feeling frustrated or even less confident and safe because your horse is unruly and won't listen to you
  • Missing Genuine InterConnection between you and your horse
  • Facing stables vices such as cribbing, weaving, pacing, kicking stall walls, food aggression and more
  • Paying training and vet bills (colic anyone?) that eat up your entire budget and possibly hinder your progress
  • Or just generally feeling there is more you could do for your horse?

(and your Horse),

Lack of mental, emotional and physical balance is very common in horses and -more often than not - the root cause for the above listed issues. Many of my students faced the same challenges like you...

Maybe your relationship with your horse is already pretty solid. You want the best for your horse and you are also aiming to reach the next higher level of Genuine InterConnection...

Maybe you are boarding your horse and are looking for ways to help your horse become healthier and happier...

Maybe you are ready to bring your horse home from a boarding situation and you (or your family) are concerned about cost, time and effort...


Believe me, when I say: You are not alone,
and there is help available for you and your horse!

I am here to guide and support you every step of the way: Together, we can make a real difference. Together we can create Positive Change for your horse - and YOU!

Are you ready? I am here for you to take the leap!

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot
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Discover the 3 W's:

Why is it important?
What does it look like?
HoW do I do it?

You will learn how to...

With my Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass
you will learn how to successfully

  • Assess your horse's mental, emotional and physical state
  • Discover the root issues of Common Horse Problems
  • Optimize your Horse's Wellness and Health
  • Find Solutions to set the Foundation for Genuine Interconnection between you and your horse
  • Implement the Natural Horse Habitat Principles in your Horse's Daily Life
  • Create a Natural Horse Habitat™ from Scratch with the 5 Main Ingredients: Trail System, Play Pastures, Habitat Shelter, Natural Feeding and even Manure Management

WHEN YOU JOIN the Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass, YOU WILL GET:

Key Benefits of This Course

6 Week Program starting with the Happy Horse Inventory to establish a base line for your horse's mental, emotional and physical balance. Then learn how to implement the Natural Horse Habitat™ Principles into your horse's life to optimize your horse's health and wellness. Discover the details of the 5 Main Ingredients of the Natural Horse Habitat™ System with hands-on videos, written worksheets, material resources, access to Q&A through comment section, Lifetime access as well as a Graduation with Certificate of Completion!

The Following Bonuses are Included

  • All Natural Horse Habitat Mini MasterClass Participants qualify for a $100 discount of the full purchase price
  • The first 20 students to enroll will also qualify for a private group coaching call with Petra ($150 Value)
  • Plus Bonus Module Manure Management (5th Ingredient of the NHH System)
  • Plus Bonus Lesson "WholeHearted Communication" -  to expand the Happy Horse Inventory
  • Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Updates of SoulFire Farm, Petra's Private Farm with a Natural Horse Habitat™

Plus You Will Receive Additional Support

  • Quarterly Live FB Calls in the private FB Group
  • Facebook Support Group
  • Implementation Week with Live videos & Q&A
  • Upon Course Completion Unlock the Bonus Training “How to Safely Transition Stabled Horses into a Herd Environment”

Christina and Angel's Story

Petra gave me the confidence to bring my horses home!!

If you are serious about creating a haven for your equine friends, she has an absolute treasure trove of true and tested information and advice. Not only can she help you make your habitat functional, but she can also help you to make it aesthetically pleasing and on a budget to boot.

I cannot recommend Petra's teachings enough, and this course is the cherry on top! 

Christina and Angel Paterson Jones

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Are you Ready to Sign up?


When I first met Harley, a beautiful sorrel overo paint gelding, his eyes looked empty. He lived in a small box stall, located in a heated barn. There was no contact possible with other horses. He stimulated himself by biting his flanks and chest. A full body clip had been performed so he was wearing two heavy blankets, a hood and a slinky. He was wearing wedge shoes and additional pads. I wondered whether he had been diagnosed with navicular decease.

When ridden, he performed as asked while never stopped swishing his tail. His ears pinned back, wrinkles around his nose, he nervously chomped on the bit. When the saddle came off, his skin twitched and his back responded negatively to soft palpitations.

He had been used up. Nobody wanted him anymore.

His price had been reduced and reduced… and he was still for sale.

Nevertheless, like a puppet on strings, he performed every task he was told to do. Only his sour face showed his displeasure. He was an accomplished show horse since he had been a weanling, with several hundred APHA points, numerous ROM’s and Superiors in multiple disciplines.

Personally, I wasn’t interested in his show record.

I wanted to show him a different kind of life… One that he never had.

A life where his feelings and his mental, emotional and physical health mattered.

A life where his daily, foundational needs would be met.

A life where he would feel heard and could regain his dignity.

The kind of life every horse should lead - in my opinion!

We slowly integrated Harley into our herd on the Natural Horse Habitat™. It took time as he most likely never had any social interactions with any horses. He probably - for the first time in his life - had the opportunity to naturally graze, and he loved it! My farrier removed the wedge shoes and pads. A proper trim and the consistent movement, being out and about in a herd with other horses, helped him to become a sound horse. He also stopped biting himself. The tail swishing disappeared. He learned to properly use his body and engage his hind end to move bio-mechanically correct under saddle. His favorite play time was at liberty.

Mentally, emotionally and physically balanced, he turned into a willing partner with a happy face, eager to spend time with me!

Elizabeth's Story

As a natural horsemanship instructor and long time student of the horse, I have seen time and again the ill-effects of unnatural horsekeeping, including major health and behavior issues that could be so easily addressed through a change in the horse's lifestyle!

The NHH program gives horse owner's a simple, step-by-step solution to understanding and fulfilling their horse's innate needs - enabling him to be the happy, healthy horse we all dream of!

Elizabeth Cabral

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WHEN YOU JOIN the Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass, you Start Learning Immediately


Get Started Immediately with the Introductory Module! Learn how to use the Happy Horse Inventory to assess your horse's mental, emotional and physical balance and create a plan for positive action. Gain valuable "how-to-get-started-knowledge" with over 40 minutes of video footage, & receive immediate support in our Facebook Group!


Here you will learn each week about one of the 4 Main Natural Horse Habitat Ingredients and Principles (Trail System, Play Pastures, Habitat Shelters and Natural Feeding). Hands-on, step-by-step guided videos, downloadable worksheets, a minimum of 30 minutes video footage per module with bonus resources and the 3 W’s: Why is it important? What does it look like? hoW do I do it? Whether you are able to create a NHH System from scratch, implement it into an excisting facility or apply the principles to your boarding situation. Fullfilling your horse's Foundational Daily Needs will lay the foundation to create balance, mentally, emotionally and physical.

Your relationship with your horse will build on the foundation to be more confident, more harmonious, safer, more interconnected and more fun!


Daily Live Videos in the Facebook Support Group will offer the opportunity to get personalized advice to your individual questions plus exclusive, behind-the-scene updates from SoulFire Farm, Petra's Arizona Property, a 12 acres, irrigated farm founded in 1938, that she is currently rehabilitating into a Natural Horse Habitat™.

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Horses travel many miles:

  • Why, What & How
  • Detailed Design Session
  • Ultimate Planning Guide
  • Electric Fence Tutorial:
    It’s Easy!
  • BONUS: Got Mud?
    I have Solutions!
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Horses eat, move, play and rest:

  • Why, What & How
  • Small Acreage Design
  • How to create Multi-Use Areas
  • Let's Make it Affordable
  • BONUS: WholeHearted Communication, Let's Play!
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Horses don’t live in caves:

  • Why, What & How
  • Location, Location!
  • Incorporate Eco-Logical Landscaping
  • Save money with this design
  • BONUS: The Habitat Shelter Building Guide & Material List
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Horses eat 75% of their day:

  • Why, What & How
  • What about Hay Nets?
  • Feeding Grain & Supplements Easily in the Herd
  • Roughage & Pasture
  • BONUS: The Metabolic, Laminitic & Obese Horse


This bonus module is presented Gregory Hopkins who working with the University of Hawaii Maui College as compost and regenerative agriculture expert. He has extensive background in various forms of composting as well as regenerative soil development. His farm also hosts Veteran Homestead Project teaching homesteading skills to combat veterans as a means of self reliance and healing.

If left alone, large, concentrated quantities of manure can be a hazard for our environment. Many communities now have strict rules on how to handle animal waste. Instead of allowing this precious, free resource to turn into a hazard, let’s turn it into black gold instead!

  • Learn from Compost Expert Gregory Hopkins
  • Learn the 3 W’s: The Why, What & HoW of Composting
  • Vermiculture - Composting with Worms

*No Desire to Compost? We present Time Saving Alternatives That Work!

Week 8:


The first 20 students who sign up for the course will be able to participate in a private Group Coaching Call with Petra. Here we will take a final look at the Happy Horse Inventory and create a "Where to go from Here" step-by-step action plan.

Take the Quiz and earn a Certificate of Completion for the Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass.

Upon Completion we will unlock an Additional Bonus Training:

“How to Safely Transition Stabled Horses into a Herd Environment”


We are offering Life Time Access to this Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass. As you will implement your knowledge, we will continue to support you. Send in your questions, chime in for our quarterly Q&A's or view the recorded video.

We've got you covered!

Are you ready to say YES?!


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The Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass will be delivered to you on our dedicated GENUINE CONNECTIONS HorseManShip Membership Platform. It’s not different from studying online at a university.

There will be videos with text summaries as well as pdf files ready for you to download. We'll have worksheets ready for you that will help you to take inventory and make decisions optimal for you and your horses.

Make sure you take advantage of the comment section to connect with Petra and the Community, and become a member of our Facebook Group which is an integral part of the course with Live Video and more.

The site keeps track of your progress for you and will conveniently direct you to the last video you watched.

Just like in the live courses, Petra will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating your Natural Horse Habitat™ System.

You will have life-time access so you can re-watch individual segments as needed and for your convenience. The membership course platform is optimized to be viewed on your computer, lap top, tablet and smartphone from anywhere around the world. This will enable you to view videos anywhere, even at your barn!

Knowledge in your pocket...

Learn with Confidence...

My Personal Guarantee & Refund Policy

My commitment and passion is to assist people to positively change their EveryDayLife and HorseManShip and to create a Ripple Effect that will not only touch you and your horse but the people that surround and touch you on a daily basis as well.

You can participate in the Natural Horse Habitat Course for 14 days. If you do all the assigned work and don’t get value or feel your learning style doesn’t match how I teach, I’ll happily refund the money you’ve paid under this Agreement less any external fees subject to the following conditions:

Deadline to apply for refund: To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request by 12pm MST 14 days after your sign up date. The deadline exists because I want you to get started immediately.

Completed Course Work: I am asking for your completed Ingredient #1 worksheet to make sure you engaged actively in the program and I will ask what did not work for you so I can improve my offerings.


If you are a Heart Centered Horse Owner who is willing to fulfill her horse’s foundational, daily needs and who sees this program as the basis for an extra-ordinary, connected relationship with her horse!

Click Here to Join us!

FAQ & Common Questions...

Still Got Questions?

I want to make sure that you are signing up with confidence... If haven't listed your #1 question, send me an email now! I'm happy to schedule a 10 Minute Clarity Call or answer your questions via email. However you prefer.

Of course, I know that the NHH 6 Week MasterClass will open unimagined possibilities for you and your horse, but I want you to feel 100% positive with your decision. 💕

I Know The Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass
will Make a Huge Difference for YOU and Your Horse...
What Are You Waiting For?

Sign up Now and...

  • Give Your Horse the Natural Life Style she Deserves
  • Hugely Impact your Horse's Health, Confidence & Wellness
  • Enjoy the Benefits of a Mentally, Emotionally & Physically Balanced Horse
  • Seriously Save Time, Effort and Money
  • Positively Impact Your Environment
  • and so much more...
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I Know The Natural Horse Habitat™ MasterClass 
will Make a Huge Difference for YOU and Your Horse...
What Are You Waiting For?

Sign up Now and...

  • Give Your Horse the Natural Life Style she Deserves
  • Hugely Impact your Horse's Health, Confidence & Wellness
  • Enjoy the Benefits of a Mentally, Emotionally & Physically Balanced Horse
  • Seriously Save Time, Effort and Money
  • Positively Impact Your Environment
  • and so much more...